
Easter bunny from GIP

The coming Easter is a good opportunity to distribute gifts among
the youngest. This opportunity has been used by employees of Prime Cargo Poland Sp. z o.o.

A fully loaded truck left the Goleniów-based dispatch centre at no. 16 Prosta Street today in the morning. It went to children homes, kindergartens and hospitals
in Goleniów, kindergarten and a common culture centre in Nowogard
and a kindergarten in Płoty. The Goleniów-based Bikers Association for Children
and Motokorba Association helped selecting homes to the list.

This time, children received not only toys but also bed sheets, towels, trampolines, kick scooters, bicycles, and furniture. Children also received Lego blocks and Fisher Price tools. All gifts are brand new with the damage to packaging only.

It is not the first charity action by Prime Cargo. In December last year, Santa Claus met children in the region. Previously, gifts went to children in need in the County
of Goleniów.