
Grade A Municipality!

The Municipality of Goleniów has been listed as the ‘Grade A Municipality’ in the ranking of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. The ranking assessed the quality of services provided to companies through e-communication channels.

The survey covered 600 municipalities all over Poland and was based on the mystery client method. The method involves a mystery client contacting the municipality pretending to be an entrepreneur interested in operating there. The rating depends on the quality of service provided to the entrepreneur and the administration.

In Goleniów, people can deal with their matters in English without any problem.
It is easy for businessmen to meet the mayor and discuss things in English, of course. The mayor appointed an assistant whose main task is to attract investors
to the Municipality of Goleniów and provide them with any assistance they need.
The website was developed to support the effort, namely goleniow.biz (in Polish) and goleniow.business (in English), specifically dedicated to investors already operating in the municipality and those who consider investing there.