
Myths busted

Experts and practitioners have busted myths regarding investment in special economic zones. Today, businessmen and representatives of local governments met at a conference held at the Szczecin University.

Special guests of the conference included Prof. Witold Orłowski and Prof. Dariusz Rosati who chaired a discussion panel involving CEOs from three companies operating in special economic zones. The panel also included representatives
of the Goleniów Industrial Park, namely Michał Pokorski, Chairman of Board
at Technologie Tworzyw Sztucznych. When asked about the expected direction
of changes in the SEZ operating profile, he suggested that it should be a major involvement in vocational education of employees and improvement
in transportation accessibility.

Before that, in a series of presentations, “myths busters” dealt with various popular opinions that discourage small domestic companies from investing in special economic zones. Jacek Wójcikowski, Director of regional Investors and Exporters Assistance Center, tried to prove that West Pomerania is not a “region at the end
of the world”. He was supported by Aleksander Buwelski, representing the City
of Szczecin (“nothing goes on in Szczecin, there’s no business, only a sea”) and Paweł Bartoszewski, Goleniów Mayor’s Advisor for the GIP (“too small for big business”). Bartosz Dąbrowski representing the SDO legal firm explained the meanders
of the SEZ investment process. And it turned out that the process was not so much meandered. Edyta Hubska from Idea HR had the most difficult task of dealing
with the myth that there was no labour available. According to the speaker, there are people interested in finding jobs in West Pomerania, provided investors meet certain conditions. Availability of funding for investment projects by small and medium-sized businesses was discussed by Magdalena Kotnis (West Pomeranian Agency
for Regional Development), Andrzej Najda (Najda Consulting) and Szymon Klimas
(IQ Pomerania).

The conference was organized by a consortium of ProInvestors in cooperation
with the West Pomeranian Agency for Regional Development upon the initiative
of Joanna Bańda, CFO at HKL Dekoracja Okien. The Municipality of Goleniów was
one of conference partners.