A comprehensive network is going to be developed, new stations built
and existing modernized. Those are only some parts of the large scale investment in the Szczecin Metropolitan Rail (SMR) which is expected to change transportation in Szczecin and neighbouring towns.
On Monday 10th July this year, Marshal Olgierd Geblewicz put his signature
on a relevant agreement. The signing of the agreement ends the period
of consultations on cooperation principles and commences activities aimed
at attracting over half a billion Polish zlotys for the investment project worth
PLN 741 m.
– The implementation of the project will help the agglomeration of Szczecin to join
the club of modern metropolitan areas operating based on the public transport system friendly to citizens. Szczecin and West Pomerania will become even better place to live
and yet more attractive for tourists visiting our region, said Marshal Olgierd Geblewicz.
The Agreement is going to be signed by ten parties involved in the project.
They include the Westpomeranian Region and the Municipality of Goleniów.
The “Building of the Szczecin Metropolitan Rail using existing railway lines no. 406, 351, and 273” is a joint project promoted by the Association of the Szczecin Metropolitan Area (Project Leader) and such partners as PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A., Westpomeranian Region, City of Szczecin, City of Stargard and municipalities
of Goleniów, Gryfino, Kobylanka, Police and Stargard. The Agreement opens a new path to attract EU funding under the competitive procedure of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020. This will help creating
a system of a metropolitan rail based on modernized and rebuilt rail infrastructure, including track and platforms, operated by PKP PLK S.A.
The government of the Westpomeranian Region will be responsible for organizing rail transport within the SMR. The Province has been implementing a huge project worth PLN 250 m for manufacturing and supplying 17 new electrical train sets.
While referring to the SMR service, Marshal Olgierd Geblewicz emphasises
that the regional government has already been considering an extension option
for another 10 trains under the contract signed with Newag. – We are already
the leader in the country when it comes to the rolling stock. We have the most modern trains in Poland, and new sizable stock will guarantee the top notch standard of service
at the SMR.
The SMR is going to connect the largest cities in the metropolitan area,
such as Stargard, Goleniów, Gryfino and Police with Szczecin, the central city
of the agglomeration. The length of SMR lines will be nearly 120 km. Transport between particular towns will be based on existing railway lines, e.g. national E59 (351) and CE59 lines and local line no. 406. Although, they are all electrified,
their technical status needs to be improved.
In total, the SMR system will comprise 40 stops, including the Goleniów Park,
in the immediate vicinity of the Goleniów Industrial Park.
The SMR Project is included in the Territorial Contract for the Westpomeranian Region and is going to be co-funded from EU funds under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020, Priority Axis V Development of railway transport in Poland, measure 5.2 Development of rail network beyond TEN-T. Since 2011, the Association of the Szczecin Metropolitan Area has been preparing
for the implementation of the SMR Project. In July 2017, a project application should be filed under the competitive scheme and results are expected to be announced
in Q1 2018. The investment will be implemented in 2018-2022.