
The only such pylon

50 m in length, over 100 m2 in surface area and the weight of 10 tons
are the parameters of a new information and promotion pylon
for the Goleniów Industrial Park. A wind turbine blade was used to develop this unusual GIP advertising outdoor.

The large blade and the site have been made available to the municipality
by the LM Wind Power Blades for a period of ten years. The blade is the so called scrap, or a faulty product designated for disposal. A much better use of it has been suggested by employees of the municipality and the LM staff helped materializing this unique idea. This prolonged the lifetime of the blade by at least
a decade.

It took four sunny days of June and a five-person team of painters to decorate
the blade with colours corresponding with the coat of arms of Goleniów. They used resilient dual-component paint for industrial applications. The grass around
the pylon will be maintained and the blade lit to ensure visibility of the outdoor
from the S3 expressway.

Authors of the GIP advertising were inspired by welcome posts developed
by Budno-based JMB and set at main inbound roads to Goleniów. The posts are miniature copies of JMB products manufactured in the Municipality of Goleniów. Both the LM blade and JMB posts are symbols of good cooperation between
the Municipality and local businesses.

In the past, there was an outdoor developed to advertise the GIP. It was set on a plot of HG Poland neighbouring the expressway. In 2011, when the Danish manufacturer of equipment for mink farms started expanding, the pylon was dismantled.

The Municipality of Goleniów would like to thank LM Wind Power Blades,
Multi-Projekt, Usługi Budowlane Artur Wilkoński, Racto and Seepoint
for their engagement in the implementation of the idea.