
Build, lease, and benefit…

…and in passing support the development of the Goleniów Industrial Park and Goleniów as such. This has been the main message for companies which consider investing in building production halls and warehouses for lease.

Many investors interested in developing their businesses in West Pomerania face a shortage of relevant facilities that could be readily available for their companies. Most wanted are halls of 2.5-3.5 thousand m2, new or renovated, 5.5-10 m in height, with good accessibility and capacity to extend.

On Monday 25th May, in the Town Hall of Goleniów, a meeting was held involving the Mayor and businessmen. The meeting focused on managing industrial facilities. The construction of industrial halls for lease is crucial for further development of the Goleniów Industrial Park, and at the same time a good idea for business. I want to encourage you to consider that, since we may combine interests of the municipality, foreign investors and business people. The latter can benefit tremendously from such investment, said Robert Krupowicz, the Mayor, while encouraging businessmen from Goleniów to consider the idea.

Entrepreneurs attending the meeting listened to a presentation on actual needs in Goleniów with the aim to promote investing in halls designated for lease or sales. It is not a quick business but it is forward looking and certain, since it can generate decent profit in longer term, said Paweł Bartoszewski, Mayor’s Advisor for GIP. Several presentations delivered by representatives of Scandinavian investors, experts from consultancy firms and the Director of the Szczecin Investors’ and Exporters’ Assistance Centre, discussed basic issues related to the building of a hall for lease.

The meeting attracted about 20 entrepreneurs considering this type of investment.